Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Just Read This

Berikut sebuah link menarik yg khusus ditulis teman saya, Mas Slamet. Ia terinspirasi menulis disebabkan chat seru kami di YM. Sumpah, saya gak nyangka banget...


Soo...just read and you may also leave a comment there!



Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Refresh Yourself

New Year emang gak harus new everything, minimal new spirit; semangat yg diupgrade supaya menapaki tahun 2009 ini lebih mantap.
Ada 2 hal penting yg ingin saya share:
1. Bagi teman2 capoeira, ada website yg menarik bgt utk diexplore. buka aja http://www.capoeira-connection.com. terutama bagi para mulher (wanita) yg ngerasa you're not good enough for capoeira.
2. Bagi yg senang menulis: menulislah! Karena kita gak akan pernah tau bahwa ternyata mungkin jika tulisan2 kita dipublikasikan, dan mendapat respon positif dari para pembacanya. Menginspirasi, jadi bahan pembelajaran dan renungan. Well, who knows?? Padahal kita pribadi ngerasa tulisan kita biasa2 aja, banyak kekurangannya disana-sini. Saya sudah merasakannya beberapa kali and I tell you something, its like a burst when you know it! buuuttt...just prepare for the worst. Karena kekurangan pasti ada, dan mungkin ada pembaca yg kurang enjoy membaca tulisan kita. Siap2 untuk berbesar hati; menerima segala kritikan dan masukan. Apalagi yg bersifat membangun.
Well, tadi siang tepat pukul 12.45 WIB bersama kedua sepupu saya, saya melakukan sedikit refreshment dgn menonton 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' di 21 Cineplex, Botani Square. Sumpah....nampaknya di penghujung 2008 syaraf2 saya pada tegang smua. Sudah begitu banyak menanggung beban, sehingga ketika menonton film kartun animasi tsb rasanya semua beban yg ada lepas sudah. All that I feel is nothing than relieveness. Saya bisa ketawa sepuas2nya. Plotnya kocak abisss, didukung dgn animasi dan sound yg canggih, dijamin ilang deh smua stress. Sbenernya ada latar belakang sedikit 'dendam' karena ternyata teman2 saya yg lain sudah menonton film ini tanpa mengajak saya! huhuhuuu....wajar sih, soalnya masih dalam rangka liburan panjang, pasti masing2 mengira bahwa masing2 temannya punya acara masing2. Hihihi....jgn pusing yaa ;p
Saya mau mengawali tahun ini dgn simplicity, tapi penuh komitmen. Dan ingin menginspirasi orang lain sebanyak mungkin dgn inspirasi yg saya dapat dan saya miliki pula. Temanya adalah '2009: Inspiring' hahaha...udah kaya cover majalah ato fashion show aja ya! LOL
Ayo semangat, SEMANGAATTT!!! Bangun kembali keoptimisan yg hampir atau bahkan sudah hilang.
Warm Regards,

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

New Year: New Page and New Step

It is not easy to be wise, I tell you. This year I’ve been through many phases that changed my perspectives about this whole life. My education life, my capoeira’s world, my personal life. Everything. I had met so many people and with their various characteristics; they taught me a lot of lessons. It was a total blast, tough needed long process to occur.

Sometimes I got a flashback, think back what I was doing in the past and who I am now. And…and also what would I be in the future. It feels like losing a grip for a moment. Or amazed by how wonderful my life in the past, present and hopefully in the future. Day dreaming… I just like to split it out between the imagination and the reality, because one time we possibly feel that life is just too hectic and stressful, and it can be meanless for us, asking to ourself what is actually we do all of this for?

Learned the zen art of patient. Well, perhaps I will always get annual nomination for this impatient behaviour of mine. I desperately wish that I could minimize this. But I just can’t wait for something as longer as other people can. Maybe I am too dynamical, fast-thinker, and bonehead. Just whatever, I can handle this by myself. I would be appreciate if nobody is not trying to interrupt/get involve to me when I got this.

The important thing that matter is…what has gone is gone. I should left the bad things away, throw ‘em up in somewhere far away beyond my reach, so I can’t remember it anymore. It’s enough to experienced it, get the lessons and then move forward without looking back, of course. I certainly want to catch my dreams, make lots of plans…open a new page of my life, begin a new step to be a better person. I have no specific resolution actually. Wait..wait, sure! I have a specific one: have batizado with CDO mestres and contramestres! Owww yeahhhh….still got a lotta materials to catch, damn it! Just keep tryin’, have fun, and movin’ on. Girl poweeeeerrr!!!!!!